Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Free Tennis Lesson Giveaway!!!

Welcome to our St. Patty's Day GIVEAWAY!  Are you feeling lucky?! 

We are giving away one FREE, one hour tennis lesson in Amherst, MA (or close by), to one lucky person!!! 

 To enter to win, you simply, Like, Share, & Comment!

1. Click on the below link to our facebook page (the following instructions will also be visible on the facebook page you are directed to).

2."like" our facebook page (if you haven't already) 

3. click "Share" on the St. Patty's day facebook giveaway post. 

4. Comment on the St. Patty's day facebook post with whatever you love most about playing tennis, watching tennis, or anything tennis related! 

You have between now and May 1st 2013 to enter!!!

A lucky person will be chosen at random on may 1st 2013 by 9PM. 

 Remember, you have to "like" our page, "share", and "comment" to be eligible! 

Good luck fellow tennis lovers, and happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Tennis clinic photos 2012

Here are some photos (all others were accidently deleted) from one of Amherst MA Tennis Group's  2012 adult clinics!  It was a lot of fun and everyone was amazing!  Photos by Nya Saunders.